Data Safety and Security

The security of entrusted data is our first priority along with your satisfaction. We realize the consequences if the data was to get into the wrong hands and therefore emphasize the need to maintain maximum security for your data. We exclusively employ professionals who check the security of our laboratories on a regular basis

Working with data

Data recovery conforms to Czech Republic Acts (No. 101/2000 Coll. and 513/1991 Coll.). The working copies of the data are irreversibly deleted within 5 days of the conclusion of the order.

Confidential and sensitive information

If your data is only to come into contact with persons with authorization from the National Security Authority, we are capable of realizing your order in any of the following classified types: “restricted,” “confidential,” “secret,” and “top-secret.”

Laboratory security

Our laboratories are protected from unauthorized access by a state-of-the-art security and monitoring system, incl. nonstop professional security services and armed security guards.

IrrevERSIBle data deletion

We can irreversibly destroy data from damaged or functional storage media, based on your explicit request, in accordance with the acknowledged American Department of ­Defense standard (5220.22-M) - mechanical and chemical disposal, multiple data overwriting and degaussing. Our equipment used for the disposal of data is also certified by the National Security Agency (NSA).

Data deleted this way cannot be recovered by any means.